With Discovery Comes Inspiration

How to Choose the Best Clothing & Gear for your Outdoor Activities
March 4, 2022

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I’m going to assume that you’re like me and like the outdoors. We are getting dirty, climbing rocks and trees, stargazing, and all of that good stuff. But what is it we use when we go out adventuring? Right! Clothing and Gear.

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So here’s a short guide on how to choose the best clothing & Gear for your outdoor activities at home or away!
First off, if you’ve ever been camping/outdoors/hiking before, then chances are pretty high that you know this already. If not, though, don’t try it yourself first hand if you want to find out one way or another…

You will need warm clothes depending on where exactly you are going. This means long pants (mittens if you’re cold-blooded or plan on climbing other stuff that requires you to climb up), long sleeve shirt, jacket, and a hoodie. Like I said, think of where you are heading. If it’s wintertime, but you’re headed to the tropics, guess what? You should be buying some bikinis because your wardrobe doesn’t work well there.


What about bringing spare clothes along?

Well, since every pound counts when it comes to traveling outside of civilization, why not take a look at this guide instead.


Prepare for two climates:

If you’re going somewhere with two completely different climates, then just one climate combined into one outfit isn’t going to work out too well. So bring an entire wardrobe! It can be done, I promise.

Now let’s take a look at something most people don’t care to think about, but I’m going to advise it here and now: The weight of your clothes. Now you might say, “Oh, they’re just clothes” or “they only weigh this much.” You need to consider, though, that if you’re adventuring somewhere outside of civilization, every pound matters in terms of traveling time, efficiency, and comfort when it comes to carrying the stuff with you. Some things are worth looking up in stores before buying them yourself (in my case, socks). They offer some great outdoor clothing which is almost weightless (I mean, come on!). If you’ve got any suggestions for even better clothing, let me know.


But what about everything else?

The basics like hoodies, jackets, and pants… what are they good for again? Oh yeah! They keep you warm! So why not think about adventure sports when it comes to picking out your clothes? If you’re planning on rock climbing or maybe mountain biking down the side of a cliff (I’m looking at you thrill-seekers), then maybe that jacket isn’t the best thing to wear because there is no protection happening (and bluish/purplish body parts look bad). Depending on where you are adventuring, what you should consider first is if wearing proper clothes would make things more dangerous for yourself. If it doesn’t, go ahead. And remember that if you are planning on doing anything that could be dangerous to your Gear, think about how much it costs so you won’t have to keep buying the same things repeatedly.


Have I forgotten something?

Oh yeah! Pockets! You can never have enough pockets, in my opinion. It’s not only good for storing stuff but also really useful when climbing rock faces or other crazy adventures because there is no one holding onto your pants during those times when they’re hanging onto a cliff by their fingertips. So definitely get yourself some pocket(s). It doesn’t even have to be super big ones either; take a decent look at the front of your jacket/hoodie/shirt, etcetera, and see how many pockets are actually on it already.


What about shoes?

Well, some people go running around just straight out of their house wearing nothing but sandals or something, but I advise you to put on your best “adventuring shoe.” Your adventuring shoe should have some ankle support so your ankles don’t break if you stumble over a rock. There’s also the idea of making sure there is no extra weight added for long walks/climbs/runs, etcetera, so try and get yourself a pair of light sneakers. If you’re planning on doing anything involving water, then make sure that whatever shoes you plan on wearing have good grip well because otherwise, slipping into the water is highly likely.


What about sunglasses?

They are important because they protect your eyes from sunspots and UV rays, making them so that you can see better at night. I’m not the best person to ask on this topic because I don’t care too much about having stylish sunglasses (I mean, come on, glasses aren’t that cool). But if you’re planning on adventuring somewhere sunny, then do consider getting yourself some protection for your eyes. There’s also the possibility of wearing them during winter, though not recommended, it depends on where you are going.

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